This program is for Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/VISTA/7.

You can make your 3D stereoscopic slide show from your stereo photos or stereo images.

The order of your slides and sounds and display method are indicated by a simple text file 'order.txt' on the current folder which you would install this program.

This program is able to show Color Anaglyph, Gray Anaglyph, Red-Blue Anaglyph, Red-Green Anaglyph, Interleave image (for LC-shutter glasses), Parallel viewing, Cross-eyed viewing, Dual Screen display (for twin PC-projector), and image for 3D-LCD such as SHARP 3D-LCD monitor.

This program can inport images in bitmap, jpeg, jps, stj format.

If you have two DLP projectors and dual-output VGA video card, you will be able to have 3D projection by using dual screen mode of this program.

This program is freeware.

This program was written in C++Builder5 by Takashi Sekitani.


| |
Statment of order.txt

 2D display mode
|  setmode 2d
Gray anaglyph mode | setmode gana |
Color anaglyph mode | setmode cana |
Red-green anaglyph mode | setmode rgana |
Red-blue anaglyph mode | setmode rbana |
Interleave(L-R-L-R) mode | setmode intlr |
Interleave(R-L-R-L) mode | setmode intrl |
3D-LCD(L-R-L-R) mode | setmode 3dlcdlr |
3D-LCD(R-L-R-L) mode | setmode 3dlcdrl |
Parallel viewing mode | setmode para gap
gap : space between L & R |
Cross-eyed viewing mode | setmode cross gap
gap : space between L & R |
Dual screen mode | setmode dual |
 |  |
Full screen mode | setmode full |
Normal screen mode | setmode normal |
Fit image size to screen size mode | setmode fiton |
Original image size mode | setmode fitoff |
 |  |
Set screen size | setscreen Xsize Ysize
On dual screen mode, if both images are displayed in one display, please set your screen size by this command.
(ex: setscreen 2048 768) |
Set mirror mode | setmirror which
which : L or R
(ex: setmirror L) |
 |  |
Display image (2D or 3D) | disp filename1 filename2
filename1: Left image
filename2: Right image
(2D: filename1 only)
(ex: disp left.jpg right.jpg) |
Set wait time | wait time
(ex: wait 5000) |
Step execution | wait step
If this feature is set, timer will be frozen after image displaied. Push 'SPACE' key to go next. |
Sound play | playwav filename command
filename: wav file name
command: loop - play repeat
(ex: playwav test.wav loop) |
External signal output | @signal time
turn on ER signal of the COM port during the time(msec). (for control the external projector)
(ex: signal 500) |
Indicate COM port | setcom PortName
PortName: COM port name for signal command
(ex: setcom COM1) |
Goto | goto Label
Jump to the line indicated the Label
(ex: goto label1) |
Branch | branch fileName1 fileName2
N Label1 Label2 ... Label5
jump to Label1-Label5 if input key 1 to 5
filename1: Left image
filename2: Right image
N: Fixed
Label1-5: Label for branch
(ex: branch image_l.jpg image_r.jpg N sample1 sample2 sample3) |
Label | Label:
Label for goto command
(ex: label1: ) |
End | end
Indicate the end of the slide show |
Sample of order.txt

// Sample order.txt
setmode full ----- set full screen mode
setmode fiton ----- Fit image size to screen size mode
// 2D slide show sample
setmode 2d ----- set 2D mode
playwav sample001.wav loop ----- play the sound of sample001.wav
wait 6000 ----- waiting time is set as 6 sec.
disp sample001.jpg ----- display sample001.jpg
disp sample002.bmp ----- display next image sample002.jpg
// 3D slide show sample by color anaglyph images.
setmode cana ----- set color anaglyph mode
playwav sample002.wav loop
wait 6000 ----- waiting time is set as 6 sec.
disp sample003_left.jpg sample003_right.jpg ----- display 3D image
disp sample004_left.bmp sample004_right.bmp
disp sample.jps ----- able to read jps format
disp sample.stj ----- able to read stj format
// 3D slide show sample by interleave images for the LC-shutter glasses
setmode intlr ----- set interleave mode
wait 6000 ----- waiting time is set as 6 sec.
disp sample005_left.jpg sample005_right.jpg
disp sample006_left.jpg sample006_right.jpg
// 3D slide show sample of parallel viewing.
setmode fitoff ----- set original size mode
setmode para 10 ----- set parallel viewing size mode (gap is 10dots)
wait 6000 ----- waiting time is set as 6 sec.
disp sample007_left.jpg sample007_right.jpg
disp sample008_left.jpg sample008_right.jpg
setmode fiton
// 3D slide show sample of cross-eyed viewing.
setmode fitoff
setmode cross 10 ----- set cross-eyed viewing mode
wait 6000 ----- waiting time is set as 6 sec.
disp sample009_left.jpg sample009_right.jpg
disp sample010_left.jpg sample010_right.jpg
setmode fiton
// 3D slide show sample for Dual Screen mode for projection.
setmode dual ----- set dual screen mode
//setscreen 2048 768 ----- if both of images are displayed on one screen, please try to set your total screen size by using this command.
wait 6000 ----- waiting time is set as 6 sec.
disp sample011_left.jpg sample011_right.jpg
disp sample012_left.jpg sample012_right.jpg
// 3D slide show sample for 3D-LCD such as SHARP 3D-PC.
setmode 3dlcdlr ----- set 3DLCD mode
wait 6000 ----- waiting time is set as 6 sec.
disp sample013_left.jpg sample013_right.jpg
disp sample014_left.jpg sample014_right.jpg
disp sample.stj ----- able to read 'stj' format
// sample of the output signal ER(DTR) through the COM port to control the external projectors.
setcom COM1 ----- set com port name
wait 5000 ----- waiting time is set as 5 sec.
signal 500 ----- turn on the ER signal through the com port
stopwav ----- stop sound
goto loop1 ----- goto loop1
'WAIT' command is different between old version(before Ver0.13) and new version (after Ver1.02). Please change your order.txt file as following example.
sample 'order.txt' of Before Ver0.13
disp sample1_left.jpg sample1_right.jpg
wait 8000
disp sample2_left.jpg sample2_right.jpg
disp sample3_left.jpg sample3_right.jpg
sample 'order.txt' of after Ver1.02
wait 8000
disp sample1_left.jpg sample1_right.jpg
disp sample2_left.jpg sample2_right.jpg
disp sample3_left.jpg sample3_right.jpg
Simple sample script of order.txt file
// for color anaglyph slide show //
setmode full
setmode fiton
setmode cana
wait 8000
disp test1_left.bmp test1_right.bmp
disp test2_left.bmp test2_right.bmp
disp test3_left.bmp test3_right.bmp
// for dual projector slide show //
setmode full
setmode fiton
setmode dual
setscreen 2048 768
wait 8000
disp test1_left.bmp test1_right.bmp
disp test2_left.bmp test2_right.bmp
disp test3_left.bmp test3_right.bmp